
Google Vs. OpenAI: Former Google engineering director reacts to the Google leak | SVIC Podcast Clip

Join us as we welcome Joe Ternasky, ex-Google Engineering Director, to delve into the leaked Google AI paper, “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI.” Uncover the influence of open-source AI models and the decentralized future of AI. You can find the full video at:

Our discussion covers:

Topic List:
00:20 Background of the leaked Google paper
02:00 Open-source AI movement
04:15 Facebook’s leaked AI model
06:10 AI models on cellphones
06:30 AI training sets & weights
08:14 Training AI models & open-source advancements
12:20 Alignment & ethical training in open-source AI
13:12 Google’s AI strategy
14:31 Google & Xerox comparison
17:00 Google’s struggles with AI launches
17:30 OpenAI’s finances & strategy
19:23 Internal blockers for Google & the AI race

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Google Researchers Publish Paper About How AI Is Ruining the Internet

Google Researchers Publish Paper About How AI Is Ruining the Internet