
Flutter ChatGPT using OpenAI’s GPT-3 | Flutter Chatbot #openai #chatgpt3 #flutterchatgpt #chatgpt4

This instructional video showcases the creation of a Chatbot (ChatGPT) in Flutter, utilizing OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, specifically GPT-3.5. GPT-3 is a state-of-the-art autoregressive language model that utilizes deep learning to generate human-like text. As such, given an initial prompt, it is capable of producing text that is in line with the prompt provided.

To achieve this endeavor, the Flutter Chatbot (ChatGPT) will be integrating the GPT-3 public api that is available on OpenAI’s official website. This comprehensive tutorial will provide instructional guidance from the onset, and new chapters will be added in the future for viewers to peruse at their leisure.

We must emphasize the crucial warning that you should never share your API key with anyone or any client-side code.

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