
AI that knows your documents?? Azure OpenAI Chatbot with “Bring Your Own Data” | Unscripted Coding

Can you create an AI chatbot that can understand and reference documents you give it? Maybe you have a textbook you’re reading or you have a business and want to feed into it all your policies. Azure OpenAI now makes it ridiculously easy to upload files that can be digested and reused by OpenAI services like GPT. The results are amazing!

Unscripted Coding is entirely unscripted and organic. If you’re looking for a tutorial, you’re in the wrong place! What we do here is try and build something from scratch, filled with all the mistakes and lessons learned along the way!

Total Time: 21 minutes

Supercharging your Apps with GPT and Azure OpenAI Service

New AI Girlfriend Constantly Yells at You in Perpetual Fury

New AI Girlfriend Constantly Yells at You in Perpetual Fury