
Twine (

Every business misses calls — and if you miss a call, your chances of winning that customer back decrease significantly.

Twine’s intelligent AI instantly texts customers as soon as this happens so they never feel like you aren’t paying attention. 

We boast an impressive 80% success rate on conversations, and an overall conversion rate of near 70% (better than many human SDRs). Our AI is patient, consistent, and ever helpful to your customer.

We’ve also released a New Feature — AI Web Chat! Now, Twine’s friendly AI can also be deployed as a chat widget on your website, enabling users to get instant attention any time they are interested in your services. We can also deploy our AI to instantly respond to leads on Yelp, Thumbtack, and many more!

Book a call with us today to learn how we turned 10 missed calls/week into $350k of additional revenue — and help us do the same for you.

Google’s GenAI Bots Are Struggling. But so Are Its Humans

Google’s GenAI Bots Are Struggling. But so Are Its Humans

Anthropic's Claude 2.1 release shows the competition isn't rubbernecking the OpenAI disaster

We tested Anthropic’s new chatbot — and came away a bit disappointed