
SDS 597: A.I. Policy at OpenAI

Dr. Miles Brundage, Head of Policy Research at OpenAI, joins Jon Krohn this week to discuss AI model production, policy, safety, and alignment. Tune in to hear him speak on GPT-3, DALL-E, Codex, and CLIP as well.

In this episode you will learn:
• Miles’ role as Head of Policy Research at OpenAI [4:35]
• OpenAI’s DALL-E model [7:20]
• OpenAI’s natural language model GPT-3 [30:43]
• OpenAI’s automated software-writing model Codex [36:57]
• OpenAI’s CLIP model [44:01]
• What sets AI policy, AI safety, and AI alignment apart from each other [1:07:03]
• How A.I. will likely augment more professions than it displaces them [1:12:06]

Additional materials:

Source by Super Data Science: ML & AI Podcast with Jon Krohn

How generative AI is creeping into EV battery development

SDS 584: OpenAI Codex