**What is this session about?**
This an overview session where you’ll learn how Microsoft is working with OpenAI and about the availability of OpenAI Large Language Models in Azure OpenAI Service.
**Why should you attend?**
You’ll get to understand the specific features and benefits of the Azure OpenAI service and an overview of the capabilities and use cases, demos, and customer stories.
This a session is for people who’ve heard of or tried ChapGPT and want to understand more and how advanced AI can be integrated in apps and business processes.
**Start Learning Now / Event resources:**
• [Introduction to Azure OpenAI Service](https://learn.microsoft.com/training/modules/explore-azure-openai/?wt.mc_id=1reg_20083_webpage_reactor&WT.mc_id=aiml-95139-dglover “Introduction to Azure OpenAI Service”)
• [Introduction to prompt engineering](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/openai/concepts/prompt-engineering?wt.mc_id=1reg_20083_webpage_reactor&WT.mc_id=aiml-95139-dglover “Introduction to prompt engineering”)