
Is Falcon LLM the OpenAI Alternative? An Experimental Setup with LangChain

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The Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi has launched Falcon, a new, advanced line of language models, available under the Apache 2.0 license. The standout model, Falcon-40B, is the first open-source model to compete with existing closed-source models. This launch is great news for language model enthusiasts, industry experts and businesses, as it presents many opportunities for new use cases. In this video, we are going to compare the new Falcon-7B model against OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 model to see if open-source can take on the battle with paid models.


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Hey there, my name is @daveebbelaar and I work as a freelance data scientist and run a company called Datalumina. You’ve stumbled upon my YouTube channel, where I give away all my secrets when it comes to working with data. I’m not here to sell you any data course — everything you need is right here on YouTube. Making videos is my passion, and I’ve been doing it for 18 years.

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