
Humans took Revenge on OpenAI DOTA bot for beating Dendi! (Whole Scene in 1 Video :)

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CONTENT: See below TimeLine (Quick Easy Navigation Chapters) ↓↓↓↓
Strategies. OpenAI bot Learning and Progressing DOTA. Dendi + Pajkatt,Arteezy,SumaiL Replay Cuts. OpenAI skynet DOTA AI bot did beat Dendi and other pro players. . Then humans Avenged it!

At The International 2017 (TI7). Later it was open to public at Red Bull LAN and they said first 50 who beat the AI get SF Arcana. (Probably Demon Eater.. Or !?)

Public as a community tried different out of box strategies with the help of the knowledge seeing it beat pro players eventually could defeat it!
It is said that more than 50 could beat it!

TimeLine Quick-Access Bookmark Links

01:30 – Learned Bot Behaviors, Elon Musk Thug Life B|
03:25 – Dendi vs. OpenAI bot Intro
05:02 – Pro Players vs. OpenAI, Part 1 (Good Luck Dendi!)
05:56 – Dendi vs. OpenAI, Game 1 (Stop Bullying Me!)
09:32 – OpenAI Crew and Bot Intro (Dying to A Tower and AFK in Base 😉
12:37 – Dendi Game 2, Trying to Copy the bot! ;p
15:56 – Pro Players vs. OpenAI, Part 2 (Arteezy Learned from the bot!)
17:31 – Pajkatt vs. OpenAI bot. (Pajkatt Wins)
20:06 – Arteezy vs. OpenAI bot. (Arteezy Loses and Feeds 😉
23:14 – SumaiL vs. OpenAI bot. (SumaiL Loses, but…)
24:51 – Bot Progress (Graph and Milestones. Who won, who lost)
25:23 – What is the Purpose and Goal of OpenAI?… And wait for 5v5 next year in TI8
27:15 – SF Arcana giveaway!
27:48 – Panel Discussion. 7ckngMad’s Suggestion!
29:39 – Donald Trump will Help US!
29:57 – OpenAI bots are defeated by Humans! 🙂
30:23 – Strategies to beat the OpenAI Bot. Bot Exploits
31:55 – Bots Lost. Elon Musk, Sad Violin ;( and Nu, Pogodi! (You Just Wait!)

Elon Musk’s OpenAI is a general learning system and the bot learned dota2 from the scratch just by playing the game!
After some time it could beat SumaiL, Arteezy, CC&C, Blitz, Pajkatt, Dendi, etc… Could AI beat a pro team in The International 2018?
More info and progress graph, milestones and video clips about how AI learned to play dota 2 in the video!
As well as parts from replays where it plays against Pajkatt, Arteezy and SumaiL (As well as DendiBoss 🙂


OpenAI Blog

OpenAI Youtube Channel

Victoria Rose (@riningear)

Reddit Posts (by EpiphanyMania1312 and menohaxor)

You Just Wait! 😉

Music ♪ Heroic Struggle


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