
Have Duet AI make your next app, using conversation

And, just like a fully caffeinated, endlessly patient pair programmer, Duet AI can also continue a conversation, so you can ask follow up questions without needing to restate your context. And, as with other LLM-powered magic, the more explanation, detail and goal information you give it, the better your answers will be.

Hello World time again

With our step-by-step guidance, see how quickly you can make a Hello World app with a new language, new platform or new template. It’s cool, I’ll wait.

(Just hold on, getting my coffee, be right back while you write some code with the AI)

Cruise layoffs, exosuits, and why French startups are bubbling up

Grimes Is Working On Her Own AI That's Also Named Grok, Just Like Elon's AI

Grimes Is Working On Her Own AI That’s Also Named Grok, Just Like Elon’s AI