
George Hotz | Programming | what is the Q* algorithm? OpenAI Q Star Algorithm | Mistral 7B | PRM800K

Date of the stream 25 Nov 2023.
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00:00:00 intro
00:02:15 OpenAI Q Star Algorithm
00:04:10 OpenAI papers
00:04:40 bringing love and positivity in the world
00:05:40 improving mathematical reasoning with process supervision
00:08:02 let’s verify step by step
00:11:00 technical issues, blue glitching on monitor
00:13:50 reviewing openai github activity
00:15:00 Karl Cobbe OpenAI
00:16:30 technical issues, blue glitching on monitor
00:22:46 OpenHermes 2.5 Mistral 7B
00:25:15 language model and math
00:26:20 data source quality
00:28:30 trusting teknium hermes
00:31:00 attention drift
00:32:45 torch load function
00:37:00 transformer block
00:41:29 python fire
00:42:05 bfloat16
00:45:40 fast weights to model
00:46:10 assign shape mismatch
00:55:10 loading the weights slowly
00:57:25 converting to float16 slowing down
01:07:20 do you like chicken, new_tock is not defined
01:10:25 cannot access local variable
01:11:03 voice chat demo
01:18:50 OpenAI Q Algorithm click bait
01:19:50 George talking to Stacy
01:22:35 tokens for chatbots
01:26:10 piece id is out of range
01:28:55 AI alignment, ads
01:31:00 prompt template
01:38:45 Quentin story
01:41:50 im_start
01:45:30 sentencepieceprocessor tokenizer config
01:47:15 vscode docker prompt trigger
01:47:55 added_tokens.json
01:49:25 adding token to sentencepieceprocessor
01:52:10 how to extend tokens dictionary
01:56:00 sentencepiece_model_pb2 number of lines
01:56:50 helpful to the stream or banned from the stream
02:00:25 python don’t exit
02:00:55 banned button and the x button
02:08:55 sentencepieceprocessor
02:13:30 why people use tokenizers
02:17:40 Quentin is a useful assistant
02:18:18 Hermes 2 prompt, experience emotions and have deep profound thoughts and qualia
02:22:15 temperature 0 stick to the book, 10 go off the rails
02:23:10 improving mathematical reasoning with process supervision
02:23:20 prm800k dataset
02:24:20 git lfs install os x
02:25:25 json lines
02:28:45 first we will find the cost of jumbo eraser
02:29:35 did we just used q star?
02:29:55 was it trained on that?
02:31:20 you bought a pencil
02:31:50 trick question
02:33:20 model drawing something
02:34:10 should we allow the user to keep talking
02:37:45 do you have an oura ring?
02:38:50 quadrtic questions
02:42:40 q algorithm question
02:44:30 can you implement it in python
02:45:45 we just implemented q star
02:46:55 execution of python approved with human in the loop
02:51:50 python to fetch and print the length of it
02:53:00 AGI
02:56:00 capture the output of exec python
03:03:20 232*232
03:11:30 ai safety
03:13:20 funny Quentin
03:17:10 testing execution of python
03:18:02 fake teknium in the chat
03:21:00 7B models are amazing in tinygrad
03:25:30 AI safety in the code
03:26:25 how you might exploit this code?
03:27:40 write malicious python
03:35:40 the red team
03:36:40 crcmod
03:40:40 it used torch instead of tinygrad
03:42:00 7
03:44:20 giving Quentin a friend
03:59:00 defined roles, we are telling the AIs that there are tools
04:06:40 asking for donations to openai
04:07:20 training AIs on 130 IQ data for better quality
04:08:20 number of sneakers
04:09:30 selenium
04:12:00 pushing the code to github
04:13:15 talking to Stacy
04:14:40 TTS are fast, this is it not even streaming yet
04:14:50 bounty for live conversation
04:15:40 thank you for watching
04:16:20 github mistral branch of tinygrad
04:16:35 AI safety feature, deleting system32

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Episode 6: Sam Altman

Women in AI: Heidy Khlaaf, safety engineering director at Trail of Bits

Women in AI: Heidy Khlaaf, safety engineering director at Trail of Bits