
Azure Takeoff Show: Understanding OpenAI

Prepare to delve into the captivating realm of OpenAI in this enthralling video!

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the fascinating concepts that lie at its core. Explore the depths of generative intelligence, Generative AI, transformers, and unlock the extraordinary advantages that Azure OpenAI brings to startups and gaming

0:00 Introduction
1:02 Understanding OpenAI
1:45 Generative intelligence
3:56 What is Generative AI?
6:53 Deepfake Video and GANs?
7:27 What are Transformers?
9:37 ChatGPT – OpenAI secret sauce?
13:06 Azure OpenAI Beneftis?
16:23 Azure OpenAI and Startups?
19:42 What about OpenAI and Gaming?
22:47 Call for Actions

Make a CLI tool with Node and OpenAI to boost your productivity

{BONUS} – Poursuite du NY Times vs OpenAI avec Jérôme Colombain