
Azure Open AI in Local Regional Government – OpenAI UK Readiness Webinar Series

This webinar will explore the use of Azure Open AI in the context of local regional government in the United Kingdom. The adoption of AI has been increasing in various sectors, including government, and this webinar will provide insights into the potential benefits and challenges of using AI in the local government context.

Agenda Items:

1. Introduction to Azure Open AI and its potential applications in the local government context.
2. Overview of the current landscape of AI adoption in UK local government and the benefits of using AI.
3. Discussion on how Azure Open AI can help address specific challenges faced by local government, such as service delivery, efficiency, and cost reduction.
4. Examples of successful implementation of Azure Open AI in UK local government, including use cases and outcomes.
5. Best practices and considerations for implementing Azure Open AI in local government, such as ethical and privacy considerations, staff training, and data management.
6. Discussion on the future of AI in local government and potential opportunities for innovation and growth.
7. Q&A session with the panellists to address audience questions and concerns.

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