
Analyzing rtweet Knowledge with kerasformula


The kerasformula package deal affords a high-level interface for the R interface to Keras. It’s foremost interface is the kms perform, a regression-style interface to keras_model_sequential that makes use of formulation and sparse matrices.

The kerasformula package deal is offered on CRAN, and may be put in with:

# set up the kerasformula package deal
# or devtools::install_github("rdrr1990/kerasformula")


# set up the core keras library (if you have not already executed so)
# see ?install_keras() for choices e.g. install_keras(tensorflow = "gpu")

The kms() perform

Many basic machine studying tutorials assume that knowledge are available in a comparatively homogenous type (e.g., pixels for digit recognition or phrase counts or ranks) which may make coding considerably cumbersome when knowledge is contained in a heterogenous knowledge body. kms() takes benefit of the pliability of R formulation to clean this course of.

kms builds dense neural nets and, after becoming them, returns a single object with predictions, measures of match, and particulars in regards to the perform name. kms accepts a variety of parameters together with the loss and activation features present in keras. kms additionally accepts compiled keras_model_sequential objects permitting for even additional customization. This little demo reveals how kms can assist is mannequin constructing and hyperparameter choice (e.g., batch measurement) beginning with uncooked knowledge gathered utilizing library(rtweet).

Let’s take a look at #rstats tweets (excluding retweets) for a six-day interval ending January 24, 2018 at 10:40. This occurs to provide us a pleasant cheap variety of observations to work with when it comes to runtime (and the aim of this doc is to indicate syntax, not construct notably predictive fashions).

rstats <- search_tweets("#rstats", n = 10000, include_rts = FALSE)
  [1] 2840   42

Suppose our purpose is to foretell how in style tweets will probably be based mostly on how typically the tweet was retweeted and favorited (which correlate strongly).

cor(rstats$favorite_count, rstats$retweet_count, technique="spearman")
    [1] 0.7051952

Since few tweeets go viral, the info are fairly skewed in the direction of zero.

Getting probably the most out of formulation

Let’s suppose we’re involved in placing tweets into classes based mostly on reputation however we’re unsure how finely-grained we wish to make distinctions. A number of the knowledge, like rstats$mentions_screen_name is available in an inventory of various lengths, so let’s write a helper perform to rely non-NA entries.

Let’s begin with a dense neural internet, the default of kms. We will use base R features to assist clear the info–on this case, minimize to discretize the end result, grepl to search for key phrases, and weekdays and format to seize totally different points of the time the tweet was posted.

breaks <- c(-1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000)
reputation <- kms(cut(retweet_count + favorite_count, breaks) ~ screen_name + 
                  supply + n(hashtags) + n(mentions_screen_name) + 
                  n(urls_url) + nchar(textual content) +
                  grepl('picture', media_type) +
                  weekdays(created_at) + 
                  format(created_at, '%H'), rstats)
plot(reputation$historical past) 
  + ggtitle(paste("#rstat reputation:", 
            paste0(round(100*reputation$evaluations$acc, 1), "%"),
            "out-of-sample accuracy")) 
  + theme_minimal()



                    (-1,0] (0,1] (1,10] (10,100] (100,1e+03] (1e+03,1e+04]
      (-1,0]            37    12     28        2           0             0
      (0,1]             14    19     72        1           0             0
      (1,10]             6    11    187       30           0             0
      (10,100]           1     3     54       68           0             0
      (100,1e+03]        0     0      4       10           0             0
      (1e+03,1e+04]      0     0      0        1           0             0

The mannequin solely classifies about 55% of the out-of-sample knowledge accurately and that predictive accuracy doesn’t enhance after the primary ten epochs. The confusion matrix means that mannequin does finest with tweets which might be retweeted a handful of instances however overpredicts the 1-10 stage. The historical past plot additionally means that out-of-sample accuracy is just not very secure. We will simply change the breakpoints and variety of epochs.

breaks <- c(-1, 0, 1, 25, 50, 75, 100, 500, 1000, 10000)
reputation <- kms(cut(retweet_count + favorite_count, breaks) ~  
                  n(hashtags) + n(mentions_screen_name) + n(urls_url) +
                  nchar(textual content) +
                  screen_name + supply +
                  grepl('picture', media_type) +
                  weekdays(created_at) + 
                  format(created_at, '%H'), rstats, Nepochs = 10)

plot(reputation$historical past) 
  + ggtitle(paste("#rstat reputation (new breakpoints):",
            paste0(round(100*reputation$evaluations$acc, 1), "%"),
            "out-of-sample accuracy")) 
  + theme_minimal()

That helped some (about 5% extra predictive accuracy). Suppose we wish to add just a little extra knowledge. Let’s first retailer the enter components.

pop_input <- "minimize(retweet_count + favorite_count, breaks) ~  
                          n(hashtags) + n(mentions_screen_name) + n(urls_url) +
                          nchar(textual content) +
                          screen_name + supply +
                          grepl('picture', media_type) +
                          weekdays(created_at) + 
                          format(created_at, '%H')"

Right here we use paste0 so as to add to the components by looping over consumer IDs including one thing like:

grepl("12233344455556", mentions_user_id)
mentions <- unlist(rstats$mentions_user_id)
mentions <- unique(mentions[which(table(mentions) > 5)]) # take away rare
mentions <- mentions[!] # drop NA

for(i in mentions)
  pop_input <- paste0(pop_input, " + ", "grepl(", i, ", mentions_user_id)")

reputation <- kms(pop_input, rstats)

That helped a contact however the predictive accuracy remains to be pretty unstable throughout epochs…

Customizing layers with kms()

We might add extra knowledge, maybe add particular person phrases from the textual content or another abstract stat (imply(textual content %in% LETTERS) to see if all caps explains reputation). However let’s alter the neural internet.

The enter.components is used to create a sparse mannequin matrix. For instance, rstats$supply (Twitter or Twitter-client utility sort) and rstats$screen_name are character vectors that will probably be dummied out. What number of columns does it have?

    [1] 1277

Say we needed to reshape the layers to transition extra step by step from the enter form to the output.

reputation <- kms(pop_input, rstats,
                  layers = list(
                    models = c(1024, 512, 256, 128, NA),
                    activation = c("relu", "relu", "relu", "relu", "softmax"), 
                    dropout = c(0.5, 0.45, 0.4, 0.35, NA)

kms builds a keras_sequential_model(), which is a stack of linear layers. The enter form is decided by the dimensionality of the mannequin matrix (reputation$P) however after that customers are free to find out the variety of layers and so forth. The kms argument layers expects an inventory, the primary entry of which is a vector models with which to name keras::layer_dense(). The primary factor the variety of models within the first layer, the second factor for the second layer, and so forth (NA as the ultimate factor connotes to auto-detect the ultimate variety of models based mostly on the noticed variety of outcomes). activation can also be handed to layer_dense() and should take values reminiscent of softmax, relu, elu, and linear. (kms additionally has a separate parameter to manage the optimizer; by default kms(... optimizer="rms_prop").) The dropout that follows every dense layer fee prevents overfitting (however in fact isn’t relevant to the ultimate layer).

Selecting a Batch Dimension

By default, kms makes use of batches of 32. Suppose we had been pleased with our mannequin however didn’t have any specific instinct about what the dimensions needs to be.

Nbatch <- c(16, 32, 64)
Nruns <- 4
accuracy <- matrix(nrow = Nruns, ncol = length(Nbatch))
colnames(accuracy) <- paste0("Nbatch_", Nbatch)

est <- list()
for(i in 1:Nruns){
  for(j in 1:length(Nbatch)){
   est[[i]] <- kms(pop_input, rstats, Nepochs = 2, batch_size = Nbatch[j])
   accuracy[i,j] <- est[[i]][["evaluations"]][["acc"]]
    Nbatch_16 Nbatch_32 Nbatch_64 
    0.5088407 0.3820850 0.5556952 

For the sake of curbing runtime, the variety of epochs was set arbitrarily quick however, from these outcomes, 64 is one of the best batch measurement.

Making predictions for brand spanking new knowledge

To this point, now we have been utilizing the default settings for kms which first splits knowledge into 80% coaching and 20% testing. Of the 80% coaching, a sure portion is put aside for validation and that’s what produces the epoch-by-epoch graphs of loss and accuracy. The 20% is just used on the finish to evaluate predictive accuracy.
However suppose you needed to make predictions on a brand new knowledge set…

reputation <- kms(pop_input, rstats[1:1000,])
predictions <- predict(reputation, rstats[1001:2000,])
    [1] 0.579

As a result of the components creates a dummy variable for every display screen title and point out, any given set of tweets is all however assured to have totally different columns. predict.kms_fit is an S3 technique that takes the brand new knowledge and constructs a (sparse) mannequin matrix that preserves the unique construction of the coaching matrix. predict then returns the predictions together with a confusion matrix and accuracy rating.

In case your newdata has the identical noticed ranges of y and columns of x_train (the mannequin matrix), you too can use keras::predict_classes on object$mannequin.

Utilizing a compiled Keras mannequin

This part reveals the way to enter a mannequin compiled within the trend typical to library(keras), which is helpful for extra superior fashions. Right here is an instance for lstm analogous to the imbd with Keras example.

okay <- keras_model_sequential()
okay %>%
  layer_embedding(input_dim = reputation$P, output_dim = reputation$P) %>% 
  layer_lstm(models = 512, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.2) %>% 
  layer_dense(models = 256, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dropout(0.3) %>%
  layer_dense(models = 8, # variety of ranges noticed on y (end result)  
              activation = 'sigmoid')

okay %>% compile(
  loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',
  optimizer = 'rmsprop',
  metrics = c('accuracy')

popularity_lstm <- kms(pop_input, rstats, okay)

Drop me a line through the challenge’s Github repo. Particular due to @dfalbel and @jjallaire for useful ideas!!

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