
Revenue Grid Unveils RG AI Sales Assistants, Transforming CRM and Deal Management

Atlanta-based Revenue Grid, a startup in Revenue Operations and Intelligence, announced its RG AI sales assistants at Dreamforce 2024.

This week, Revenue Grid showcased the first two in its lineup of RG AI sales assistants: RG Meetings and RG Pipeline. These tools automate repetitive sales tasks and provide actionable guidance for managing pipelines and customer interactions without the need for CRM interaction from sales executives. They monitor deal health and identify at-risk opportunities. They also predict deal outcomes, empowering sales teams to focus on high-impact activities that drive deals to closure.

“CRM systems have long been a burden for sales reps, diverting valuable time from selling to tedious record-keeping,” said Vlad Voskresensky, Revenue Grid’s co-founder. “This inefficiency has widened the gap between management’s need for visibility and the sales team’s demand for actionable insights. With our AI-powered sales assistants, we enable sales teams to focus on closing deals.”

These new RG AI sales assistants are part of Revenue Grid’s mission to make AI manageable. By automating mundane tasks, they enable sales professionals to allocate more time and effort toward advancing deals and closing more business.

“We’ve always believed that a CRM should work quietly in the background, supporting the sales process rather than obstructing it,” Voskresensky added. “Our AI-driven solutions deliver precise insights, automate processes, and empower sales teams to make smarter, faster decisions.”

Key Features of RG AI Sales Assistants include:

  • RG Meetings: Automates scheduling and follow-ups, ensuring sales reps spend less time on administrative tasks and more time engaging with prospects.
  • RG Pipeline: Offers real-time insights into pipeline health, deal status, and potential risks, helping sales teams proactively manage their deals and forecast outcomes.

Revenue Grid customers have reported an ROI multiplier of nearly 300x within the first six months of use.

For more information on how Revenue Grid’s AI-driven solutions are transforming sales, visit RG AI Sales Assistants.

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