in updated platform, the platform for effortlessly creating AI chatbots and training them within minutes, has been expanded even further.

During the past period, we’ve been quite active. We’ve introduced subscriptions and enabled the use of own OpenAI keys, added GPT4 turbo, enhanced our chatbot functionalities, and prepared several demo chatbots. One particularly exciting addition is our new teacher chatbot, equipped with extensive knowledge about AI. 

Furthermore, we have exciting plans underway to further enhance the user interface, incorporate new AI models, and unlock advanced settings such as customising the chatbot’s personality. 

In our blog, we discuss various topics including tips and tricks for using Smitty and explanations on what an AI knowledge base is and a AI chatbot is. Last but not least we dive in to the context limits and costs of GPT 3.5 vs GPT 4.

Want to know more or try it out yourself, visit our website 

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