
Pankit Desai, Co-Founder and CEO of Sequretek: Empowering Startups and Revolutionizing Cybersecurity – AI Time Journal

In an era where digital threats constantly evolve, Sequretek sets the standard for innovation and reliability in the cybersecurity industry. Co-founded in 2013 by Pankit Desai and like-minded experts with a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by startups and small businesses, Sequretek has grown into a trusted partner across various industries. In this exclusive interview, we explore the inspiration behind Sequretek’s inception and its mission has evolved over the years. From overcoming significant market challenges to leveraging AI for advanced threat detection, discover how Sequretek provides robust cybersecurity solutions and empowers entrepreneurs to navigate the digital age with confidence and resilience.

What inspired you to co-found Sequretek, and how has your vision for the company evolved since its inception in 2013?

The idea behind starting Sequretek came from a deep understanding of the cybersecurity needs of startups and small businesses. Back in 2013, the startup scene across the world felt like sailing through rough waters, with cyber threats lurking around every corner.

I realized this need while observing the struggles of entrepreneurs. They needed cybersecurity solutions that were both effective and affordable. That’s when my co-founder, Anand Naik, and I saw an opportunity to fill this gap in the market. Our vision for Sequretek was simple: to provide startups with cybersecurity tools that were easy to use and didn’t break the bank. We wanted to make cybersecurity accessible to everyone, not just big corporations.

Since then, Sequretek has grown into a trusted partner for startups and small businesses across industries. Our focus remains on innovation and customer satisfaction, ensuring that our clients feel supported in every step of the way. As we look ahead, our mission remains unchanged: to empower startups to thrive in the digital age, without having to worry about cybersecurity threats. At Sequretek, we’re here to help entrepreneurs pursue their dreams with confidence, knowing that their digital assets are safe and secure.

Can you describe a significant challenge you faced while growing Sequretek into a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions and how you overcame it?

One of the significant challenges we faced while growing Sequretek into a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions was differentiating ourselves in a highly competitive market. The market was crowded with competitors, all seeking the same attention. We knew we had something unique to offer, but we needed a clear strategy to communicate that effectively to potential clients. Our solution was to focus on understanding the specific needs of startups and small businesses. We identified that many of these companies were struggling with cyber threats but couldn’t afford the expensive solutions provided by the established industry giants. This realization presented a clear opportunity for us.

Instead of attempting to compete directly with the major players, we tailored our offerings to meet the needs of startups and SMBs. We recognized that they required more than just a generic solution – they needed something affordable, easy to implement, and effective in safeguarding them against cyber attacks.

We developed a range of cybersecurity products and services specifically designed for this market segment. From automated threat detection to 24×7 support, our solutions addressed the unique challenges faced by startups and SMBs.

However, our journey didn’t stop there. We also needed to reach these businesses and convince them of the importance of investing in cybersecurity. Many were unaware of the risks they faced or the potential damage a cyber-attack could cause. Therefore, we emphasized education and awareness, helping businesses understand the critical nature of cybersecurity and how our solutions could protect them.

This approach proved successful. Over the years, our customer base has grown steadily as more startups and SMBs recognize the value of our offerings. Today, we are proud to say that Sequretek is not only a lifeline in turbulent waters but also a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes, guiding them through the complexities of cybersecurity with confidence.

How do you see the role of AI and automation evolving in the cybersecurity industry over the next five years?

One of the biggest challenges in cybersecurity today is dealing with alert fatigue. Security systems generate a massive number of alerts, and it becomes difficult to distinguish between real threats and false positives. Even among the genuine threats, prioritizing which ones to address first can be overwhelming.

In the next five years, AI has the potential to significantly reduce the number of alerts and, consequently, the fatigue that comes with managing them. By utilizing advanced algorithms, AI can filter out false positives and highlight the most critical threats, allowing security teams to focus their efforts where it matters most.

Another significant impact of AI will be in automating the basic, repetitive tasks that are often performed by level 0 and level 1 security personnel. These tasks involve continuously monitoring and responding to streams of data and attacks. By employing small language models, AI can take over these routine activities, freeing up human resources to tackle more complex issues. This shift will be crucial for improving both the efficiency and accuracy of security operations.

Additionally, the current security tools and technologies are quite technical and can be challenging for regular users to interact with. Incorporating natural language processing (NLP) capabilities into these tools could revolutionize this aspect. Imagine being able to ask a security system a simple question in plain language, such as, “Can you show me the top 10 users in the finance department who were targeted by attacks between 9 PM and 10 PM?” The system would understand the query, convert it into a complex search, and deliver the relevant results. This kind of user-friendly interaction could democratize access to security data, making it easier for a broader range of people to engage with and understand the information.

Over the next five years, AI and automation will play a transformative role in the cybersecurity industry. By reducing alert fatigue, automating routine tasks, and making security tools more accessible through natural language processing, AI will help build more user-friendly defenses against cyber threats. This evolution will not only increase the efficiency of security operations but also make advanced security measures more accessible to all users, contributing to a safer digital environment for everyone.

With attackers increasingly using AI for malicious purposes, how does Sequretek’s AI-powered solutions stay ahead in this cat-and-mouse game?

The key to staying ahead in cybersecurity lies in utilizing advanced AI technologies like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). These tools enable us to manage and analyze vast amounts of data collected from customer systems, as well as from global threat intelligence platforms we integrate with.

AI allows us to process and make sense of this data without relying on humans to write complex rules to sift through the information. Given the ever-changing threat patterns, vectors, and the landscape of devices, relying solely on people to keep up would mean always being one step behind attackers.

With our AI and machine learning platforms, particularly those employing unsupervised learning, we can continuously train our algorithms to adapt. These systems analyze data, learn from it, and evolve to detect new threats as they emerge. This proactive approach ensures that we are not just reacting to threats, but staying ahead of them, providing robust security for our customers.

Could you elaborate on how Percept XDR improves threat visibility and the specific advantages it offers over traditional security solutions?

Percept XDR, or Extended Detection & Response, is a cloud-based enterprise security platform designed to offer automated threat detection and response using AI and big data across both cloud and on-premises environments.

Today, enterprises face the challenge of managing a vast array of devices, each generating different types of security data. This complexity makes it difficult to identify real threats and respond quickly. Percept XDR addresses this by providing end-to-end security, allowing businesses to focus on growth without worrying about cyber threats.

Here’s how Percept XDR stands out:

  • AI-Based Proactive Threat Detection: The platform ingests data from various sources, using AI to detect new and unknown threats. This eliminates the need for manual rule-writing and adapts to changing threat patterns.
  • Deep Learning Detection: Deep learning is used to correlate data and identify advanced persistent threats (APTs) and targeted attacks. The system self-learns to continuously improve its detection capabilities.
  • Automated Incident Response: Percept XDR features automated response capabilities aligned with the MITRE ATT&CK® framework. This reduces manual intervention, allowing IT teams to focus on critical tasks.
  • Comprehensive Dashboards & Reporting: Dashboards provide root cause analysis and threat mitigation insights, offering a single view of security with regular reports to ensure compliance.
  • Global Threat Intelligence: Integrated with the Sequretek Central Threat Intelligence framework, Percept XDR provides real-time global threat intelligence to prevent attacks.
  • Big Data Security Analytics: Big data analytics are leveraged to detect patterns and associations, enhancing threat hunting and detection capabilities.

In your experience, what are the most common cybersecurity vulnerabilities that businesses overlook, and how can AI help address these gaps?

One of the most common cybersecurity vulnerabilities businesses overlook is the presence of shadow IT. This refers to technology and software applications used by employees without the knowledge or approval of the IT department. For instance, a marketing team might use a third-party tool to streamline their work, unaware of the security risks it might pose. These unmonitored applications can create significant security gaps.

Another critical issue is the software supply chain risk. Many businesses rely on third-party vendors for various services, such as database management or network monitoring. Any breach in these external systems can directly impact on the company’s security.

AI can play a crucial role in addressing these vulnerabilities by continuously monitoring network activity, detecting unusual patterns, and identifying potential threats in real-time. AI-powered solutions can also automate the management of software updates and patches, ensuring that all systems remain secure without requiring constant manual oversight.

How do you balance the need for comprehensive threat detection with the practicalities of resource allocation and cost-effectiveness for businesses?

Balancing comprehensive threat detection with resource allocation and cost-effectiveness can be a tricky task. The key is to prioritize and segment security investments based on the specific needs and risks of the business.

Rather than spreading resources thin across all potential threats, focus on protecting the most critical assets and processes first. This targeted approach ensures that resources are allocated where they’re most needed, maximizing effectiveness.

Utilizing AI is also crucial for efficiency. By automating routine security tasks, AI reduces the need for extensive human intervention, saving time and costs. Additionally, adopting a scalable approach allows for adjustments in security measures as the business grows, ensuring ongoing protection without overspending.

What are the key considerations for businesses when integrating AI-powered cybersecurity solutions like those offered by Sequretek?

When integrating AI-powered cybersecurity solutions, businesses need to consider several key factors. First, it’s essential to understand the specific security needs and challenges of the organization. This involves assessing the current security landscape and identifying the most critical areas where AI can make a significant impact.

Next, evaluating the scalability and flexibility of the AI solution is crucial. It should be able to grow alongside the organization and adapt to evolving security threats. Seamless integration with existing systems and workflows is also important to prevent any disruptions.

Lastly, businesses should consider the ease of use and the level of support provided by the vendor. Effective training and ongoing support are vital to ensure the team can fully utilize the AI solution’s capabilities. At Sequretek, we prioritize comprehensive support and training to help our clients derive maximum benefits from our AI-powered cybersecurity solutions.

How do you foresee the intersection of cloud security and AI evolving, and what innovations can we expect from Sequretek in this area?

When we look at the evolving industry of cloud security intersecting with AI, it presents a multifaceted challenge. Enterprises today operate across diverse environments, spanning on-premises infrastructure, various cloud platforms like AWS or Azure, and cloud applications such as Salesforce. Additionally, with the workforce increasingly distributed in remote and hybrid setups, the task of directing security threats across these environments is complex.

This is where the intersection of cloud security and AI becomes crucial. At Sequretek, we’re meeting this challenge with our innovative approach. Our flagship solution, Percept XDR, integrates, understands, detects, reacts, and remediates security threats across complex IT infrastructures. It provides real-time insights into potential risk areas across identities, devices, servers, networks, databases, and applications.

But we’re not stopping there. We’re expanding our offerings to include continuous vulnerability management and compliance management platforms. These additions empower organizations to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious actors.

What advice would you give to upcoming entrepreneurs in the technology sector, particularly those looking to innovate in cybersecurity and AI?

Currently, the tech sector isn’t having the best of times. A lot of this is an overhang from post-COVID times when people bought a lot of stuff randomly, and companies ended up building products whether they needed them or not. However, there’s a bright spot amidst all this – cybersecurity. As the consumption of technology becomes an integral part of our lives, the importance of cybersecurity will only increase.

Consider the various systems at risk: regular IT systems that continue to get breached, new-age systems businesses use to operate better in the market space, IoT systems, and the evolving space tech. Each of these creates unique challenges. The embedded hardware making its way into the market, consumer IoT technologies, and even medical implants people are working towards, all signify one thing – the role of security will become more critical. Historically, the consequences of security risks were data breaches, business continuity disruptions, brand damage, or financial losses. But now, with newer technologies, the stakes are higher. Imagine stopping a car remotely on a highway – this could lead to fatalities. Or consider tampering with the electricity grid or interfering with medical devices like pacemakers, which are remotely accessible. The scope of security is expanding beyond traditional risks to potentially life-threatening scenarios.

Furthermore, the rise of deep fakes and their extensive use in day-to-day conversations can create political and civilian unrest. We are moving into the darker side of security risks. However, on the flip side, this presents more opportunities for those on the good side to develop solutions and stop these threats.

More technology and the diversity of tech means more cybersecurity breaches. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are hardly ever detached from technology. This constant proximity creates challenges that need to be addressed. The future of cybersecurity is both challenging and filled with opportunities. For those looking to innovate, the key lies in understanding the evolving risks and developing solutions that can keep pace with the rapid advancements in technology. Stay focused, stay informed, and most importantly, stay resilient. logo

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